
So, Mark’s out of town for a few days at the White Board Sessions in DC, so this new phenomenon of loneliness matched with my chronic insomnia issues created this here video card for my main slice of cheese. As most of my harebrained ideas at 3 am go, I’m not quite sure if he’ll appreciate this, but hey, it’s nice to know you’re loved, right?

of late accustomed post-post question:
do tell, what do you do when your spouse is out of town and/or you can’t sleep?

14 thoughts on “Mark-Oh…polo!!!

  1. You are tooooo cute! HaHa. You get the I-MISS-MY-HUSBAND-THE-MOST-WHEN-HE’S-GONE-AWARD!

    When my husband is gone I usually take that time to do hang out with my best friend and her son and probably spend a whole lot more time on the computer [if that’s even possible?!]

    Love ya!

  2. Sure mandy mac, whatever colors your cheeze whiz orange! I just like seeing your sweet face over here anyway! I’m going to talk to halmark and see if we can strike a deal!

    and gch…I need to find friends w/ chronic insomnia, that way we can hang out…so, how’s your sleeping? wanna chill? 😉
    And you are loved too, peanut butter!

  3. I am a recovering insomniac! I actually have insomnia from time to time and am wondering if I will have it a lot more after my last day of work EEEEEKKKKKKK! I would LOVE to chill *mwah*

  4. Cathi,

    I started watching your video and my dog puked in the first 10 sec. (No Lie) I am scared to watch it now after seeing what it did to Porkchop. I’m sure Mark loved it, but Porkchop hated it

  5. First of all, I drink a glass of lukewarm water with lemon…

    Then I turn on the History Channel so there is a low monotonous voice speaking to me…

    I cover my eyes with my pink, satin blindfold and pile on the covers…

    Before I know it, I’m out.
    Until a blitzkrieg startles me awake, the dog wants to go out, the cats want to come in, and the water needs to leave… 😯

  6. oh, brian, I’m sure it’s b/c of Einstein the Wondercat’s forces going through my computer to yours…

    @michelle…I still have yet to do the lukewarm lemon-water thing…but I’ll totally go for the satin blindfold! How audrey hepburn of you!!!

    @kal: Oh, I didn’t tell you that I drank a cup of sexy before I started filming 😉

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