Toto, I’m not in Kansas anymore

As Dorothy returned to her black and white world called life from an energetic experience of utter perplexity via a Kansas cyclone of bewilderment where she was surrounded by flying prehistoric monkeys, ramshackle houses, miniature people with piercing voices and a colorful road leading to restoration, what was on her little rainbow bright mind?
Well, I don’t know about her, but as I’m resisting my own flight back to the confusion and veracity of the “real world” from this all-too-quick dream called Kansas, there are a few things of which I am most certain… I will miss my tin man, who with great thoroughness and grace, provided wisdom through compassion and comic relief…mixed with a little mint and lime – shaken not stirred. I will miss my lion, who with all fervor and zeal she unabashedly shared her heart, taking every opportunity to relate and commune both physically and spiritually, with a side of applesauce, of course! And I will miss my scarecrow, the companion whose friendship is intricately woven within each character like a game of cat’s cradle, she allows her energy, empathy, strength and charisma to open opportunities to love and be loved. OH, and I will never, ever, ever forget the wizard, though not always present in the flesh, she brought quality, inspiration and excitement into every shared experience. It is here, with my tin man, lion, scarecrow and wizard, I truly found my heart’s home.
I will undeniably miss my Kansas. Nevertheless, I have made my choice… I am taking my Kansas with me through my cyclone of life to remind me that yes, even though it was but a weekend, it’s real…and yes indeed, there’s no place like home.

22 thoughts on “Toto, I’m not in Kansas anymore

  1. Was just reading your blog about “what/where is home?” and just wanted you to know that my home is a bit emptier than I would like to to be. I miss you. Your creative brain prompts mine to spin more and your tremendous faith encourages me to be more. I miss you – but I KNOW that you are exactly where you ought to be…….with Mark……..anywhere he is is HOME.

  2. Cat-

    Aww…I liked how you coorelated this:)
    I’ve written something like that before to describe people in my life, but using words like love, hope, mercy, perseverance, and Grace…
    I love your creative brain…its as deep as mine is…:)
    Its gonna be scary when I finally meet you, people’s heads will hurt around us…:) Oh yes, I think they will!!!

    Be Blessed:)

    lil’ ang

  3. i loved this post. (and i loved seeing a comment by joj! hi joj!)

    i loved the split second i thought you looked naked on the plane.

    thanks for making me feel a part of your oz-some weekend.

    i love you!

  4. Goodbyes are so hard for me too. The sadness is reminder of the bond you have. Your friendship and willingness to share has blessed my socks off. Thanks! Your xoxoxo hearts for each other makes a heart warm.


  5. you are brilliant!

    im sitting in the portland airport right now and i just cant believe the weekend is over. done.

    oh but the memories!!! did we make some fun-nomenal memories, or what?!?!

    this has got to be one of the biggest high lights of my life!

    you, my dear cathi, are beautiful. not just in person, to look at, but absolutely everything about you. everything. your intellect, compassion, servants heart, sense of humor…and i got to experience it in real life! amazing!

    thank you friend! you have enriched my life more than i can ever express to you…

  6. I made it all the way to the bottom of the post without crying – and then i saw your face, and the heart on the plane, heading ‘Home’….

    unlike SOME – i did not see you naked… at least not the way Alece meant! 😉

    WHERE are the tissues, dammit?!

    (Did i mention i’m jealous as hell? – i can do without the goodbye’s though!)


  7. Where are the tissues TAMmit…Typo Love. Seriously. Anyways. Ms. Cathi, you are the most creative person with your charm and wit. Thank you for summing this up for me. Not to take credit for the way you feel because obviously I feel a little different about you and our experience because it was with different eyes…but it was shared with you and it was with honor that we were brought together. What a treat and what an incredible gift to be on the receiving end of such an extravagant “presence”. You all are amazing and I can’t think any other woman I would have rather have spent that time with. Thank you.

  8. What a wonderful analogy. Wizard of Oz was my favorite movie as a child; the witch did scare me a little so I’m glad you didn’t encounter her anywhere during your trip 🙂 I’m so glad yall had such an awesome time. Love all of you.

  9. Hey Rachel! Yeah, it seriously was one of the most memorable weekends…next to the weekend in boston w/ mandy mac and alece, of course! This year has been one amazing “meet the blogging friends” year!!!

    Love, you’re so right…the goodbyes were the worst. I almost didn’t go b/c I didn’t want to experience that part again. When I left Lece and Mandy in July, that had to be one of the most difficult moments I’ve ever experienced, so you could imagine how difficult this would be. But I don’t regret it,! I love these ladies and would do it again in a heartbeat!

    Oh, sweet kristiness!!! I’m glad you approve of my rendition of our experience together- it was like a weekend of engaging suuriously moments! Your exposure of your heart of prayer is still teaching me!

    gchy…oh, how I’ve missed your sweet face!!!!! And we did have an encounter w/ the wicked witch…she was called “Garmin” and was cleverly disguised as a GPS!!!! 🙂

    Mandy Mac…let’s just say that I have a constant lump in my throat that’s bigger than an untoasted cinnamon crunch bagel!

    Taminator!!! I’m clicking too…I’m thinking there might be something wrong w/ the transportation system in those heels of ours…huh.

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