Alece & de’Cath [part 3]

One adventure leads to another, I suppose.

It feels as though our trip to Boston and Kansas are years away…memories have begun to pile up with lovelies from this wonderful world called blogdom. Meeting Miss Mandy Mac and Alece in the spring for our first EVER blogger encounter and the subsequent rendezvous with the taminator, kristiapplesauce and yet another junction with Miss Mandy Mac just weeks later.

…well, you must have expected a follow-up video, I’m sure. So, don’t say I don’t deliver! Here you go!!!

Alece & de’Cath…yes, I know I’m spoiled!


So, with our Alece just 2 hours away, we just had to see each other! And since just leaving you with that would be plain old mean, we decided to let you have a few minor glimpses into our day…

of course…some good ‘ol flaughter…


and YES, there will be more to come… but no cheating!!!

I soooo love this girl! She makes my heart sing! Love and encouragement exude from her. Moments of silence lead to unshakable laughter…nix that…we were TOTALLY shaking!

A friend who shares my heart, my joys and sorrows…and even my eyes! Sheesh…I just love her!

grabbing inspiration by the horns [a disclaimer & a warning]

We’re looking at a new year, a new start and a new look at [’tis the season, right?].

I’m feeling ever so refreshed by and appreciative for your faithfulness and encouragement over the past few months – ’twas like energy, serenity and marshmallows all in one fell swoop!

I’m very well aware that my artistically expressive side has had a bit of a lobotomy this fall/winter. Hopefully, this metaphorical drive into my secret chamber of creativity will prove fruitful in the coming weeks.

I’ll have you know there’s progress … one blissful trigger that recently ignited the flame of imagination was a round of photos with none other than Kalia and Brendan from Kalia Lily Photography. We’ve been friends with Kal and Brendan for a few years and always make it a point to visit them when we’re in town. On our most recent visit, we went for a ride through good ‘ol SoFla for a brisk rendezvous with the expressive arts.











[more to come…]

Kal shoots weddings, maternity, couples, destination shots…you name it, she’ll find a way to make you want to re-shoot your senior photos and renew your vows!
Visit her site.
Read her blog.
Book her.

Fallen off the blog-waggon

I suppose I must provide an explanation or confession, apology, disclosure or even an acknowledgment of my severe absence around…

Here she goes…a friend recently told me this quote…I embody it:

If you want something done, give it to a busy person.

that’s it…that’s the explanation. I’m on winter break…I’m leaving for sunny south florida tomorrow morning at 5:30 am…I will be away from easy access internet until nearly 2009…we may stop at a St. Big Bucks for an intermittent withdrawal assessment…and one of those fine red holiday cups of pure wonder.

there she goes.

vlog 25 | one month count down has begun…

hooray for christmas! I guess it’s turned into a little tradition here at to post this little bit of sufjan stevens christmas cheer on this here blog. So, seeing that I’m wrapping up multiple papers at one time for finals next week instead of wrapping up multiple gifts, treats or smiles, this is the best you’re gonna get for now! Merry Month ‘Till Christmas…deck the halls and deck the angel w/ the cowboy hat…he’s an impersonator, for sure!

We’re following Sufjan’s advice and visiting the grandmother of my hot slice of cheese!

I’d love to hear who you’re visiting for Christmas! Do share…